Sunday, April 25, 2010

I got a BIKE!!

I got a new bike yesterday for being a good girl during the school year. Daddy and Mommy attached handles on the back so that I will learn how to ride my bike on my own. It is a nice bike that says "Princess" on the seat. It has lights on the back and front in case I want to go out at night (Like that is gonna happen). It is nice and I know how to peddle. We went to the Park today and I got to ride my bike. It was a lot of fun. I slipped off the seat of my bike and fell down but I did not get hurt. I got right back on again. It was a lot of fun! I then got to play catch with my Daddy and I threw the ball hard. It was a lot of fun.

Here is the video of me riding my bike

And here is the video of Daddy and Me playing catch at the park

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